June White said the most Dana ever did was send a check for $5,000 to her – eight years ago. “Dana can lose a million dollars gambling in a few hours and just shrug it off, but he can’t help out his 93-year-old grandmother?” June White also describes White’s willingness to crush anyone who crosses his path. Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images. True or not, there was an Internet rumor floating around that White, the UFC president, owed the Bellagio $1 million from gambling debts.
HOLLYWOOD, California –
Producers of long-running game show Wheel Of Fortune are in crisis mode after being forced to fire presenter Vanna White after over thirty years of service. The shocking firing comes after footage was released of White in a casino, compulsively playing roulette.
“We appreciate Vanna’s 32 years with us,” said director Bob Cisneros. “However, her recent actions have compromised the production of this all-American favorite. The betrayal felt by viewers upon seeing her spinning around with other wheels is too great to be tolerated. It’s as if she is a wife who cheated on her husband, and her husband are the Wheel of Fortune viewers. She is no longer the loyal servant we once knew and loved.”
Harry Ray, owner of Monte Casino where White was caught on camera, has come out in support of the game show hostess, saying that her actions suggest a greater public shift in American optimism.
“The public have come to the realization that casinos are a better avenue in which to pursue the American dream. Where once you had to work hard to get onto exclusive game shows, now anyone can be a winner. From the lowest of the low, to those born to money, everyone has the potential to become the president of Gamblers Anonymous.”
A social media campaign has been initiated against Ray, with some claiming the whole thing was a publicity stunt, a set-up to promote his business.

“Cameras are never allowed in casinos,” said one Wheel of Fortune loyalist. “Why was Vanna being filmed in the first place, and how did the cameraman know she’d be there? Wake up, people. These are questions we all need to be asking.”
Vanna White could not be reached for comment, but a source close to her stated that she is experiencing great remorse, and insisting it was a one-off fling.
“Vanna loves the Wheel,” the source, on condition of anonymity, told reporters. “But everyone slips up. She was overcome by perfectly human feelings, and made a big mistake. Now she has to pay for it, but it shouldn’t mean the end of this relationship. She is going to fight tooth and nail to try get her position back. If not for herself, she’ll do it for the viewers, and she’ll do it for the love of those light-up letters.”

Hi folks, this is me blogging from the afterlife. No, I’m just kidding, but one may think that I’m death since my last blog post was posted exactly 642 days ago. I’ve calculated this using the following PowerShell one-liner: ((Get-date) – $(Get-Date “2013/02/20”)).Days. Which made me wonder: how do people that do not know PowerShell calculate number of days between two dates? No really, how do they do it? Well, since nowadays there is an app for everything, there has to be an app which sole purpose is to calculate difference between two dates. As it turns out there are may of them. Try searching for datediff in your favorite app store.
Speaking of apps, I would like to present to you my latest creation: Auto UX. Don’t ask me what the name really means, because I don’t know myself, I just think it is a cool name :). Don’t be afraid it’s not an app that calculates difference between two dates, because this would be really lame for an app with such a cool name. To describe it one sentence, it is a Service Management Automation (SMA) client for your Windows phones, tablets, laptops an desktop computers. For those of you that don’t know what SMA is, let me tell you that if you are doing automation, you should check it out. It’s an automation engine (like System Center Orchestrator), based on PowerShell Workflow, which means you can take all of your PowerShell scripts you now run in task scheduler and put them in a controllable environment. It has native support for Orchestrator so you can trigger Orchestrator runbooks from SMA an in this way reuse your existing investment in Orchestrator. If you would like to know more about SMA check the automation track on Building Clouds blog. Start with introduction post.
Back to my app. In order to get started you will have to connect it with your SMA web service. On first run app will prompt you for SMA web service URL. If you installed SMA with default settings the URL will look something like this: http(s)://servername:9090/. In other words, this is the same URL that you’ve used to connect Azure Pack to SMA. There are also some requirements that you can read about here. If you’ll have any problems connecting the app to SMA web service please let me know here. Once you successfully connected you will be able to see the following screen:
Dana White Las Vegas
On the left there is a self explanatory menu, on the right side you can see all of the tags that you’ve used on your runbooks. By tapping on tiles you will be taken to a list of runbooks that are tagged with a particular tag. Further on everything is pretty self explanatory and easy to find. When you are using windows platform note that some actions are available in app bars, that is the menu that slides from the bottom when you swipe from the bottom or top, or use right click. You can see an example of that below:
Dana White Wiki
If you are using SMA give Auto UX a try. You can get it from Windows Store and Windows Phone store. If you are not using SMA give it a try also, it is available on System Center Orchestrator installation media and than give Auto UX a try. If you encounter any bugs, have a feature suggestion, need support or just want to say something (hopefully nice) about Auto UX let me know here.